I originally created this site is to make use of the free web pages that came with ISP service, rather than let them go to waste. Some of the pages became quite popular, so I've now copied this material to a site with a shorter name (tubulosity.com) so that they will be easier to get to.
This site doesn't really have a theme. Originally I just searched through the stuff that I had on my hard drive and made a short selection of vaguely interesting stuff. I hope you like at least some of it:
38 Ideas And Inventions That Shaped Information Technology As We Know It Today. PDF download. I hope you like this. Along with my Punch List, it seems to have made this site more popular than I expected.
Alpha Bravo or Able Baker? A brief note about the International English Phonetic Alphabet standard.
Arnold Bennett. This page is a plug for my great-grand-uncle's work. Unfortunately none of my cousins gets royalties (or at least none of them has owned up to getting royalties), but I'm sure the publishers of the works that are still in print would appreciate some new business.
Bathtub taxonomy. A graphical depiction of the "family tree" of types of bathtub and installation approaches.
Cockney Rhyming Slang. A selection of some of the most common phrases, complete with some "short form" versions like "butchers" for "butcher's hook" (=look).
Country Information. This table, assembled from many sources, shows information about the electrical supply, TV, telephones, and which side of the road you drive on. There are some missing items. Any updates/corrections would be most welcome.
Digital Video Formats. These are some notes that I put together from various magazine articles and websites. This needs bringing up to date. (That's on my "to do" list.)
Erlang-B Calculator. Excel spreadsheet download. Not the prettiest Erlang calculator around; but as simply an Excel spreadsheet, it requires no installation.
In The Mood For Love. Some trivia about the film.
Letters to the Editor. This includes letters that were published, plus some additional letters that I sent (and which I think are worth reading, even though they were not published).
Make your own Toilet Bung. An explanation of the purpose of a toilet bung, why you might need one, and how to make one for about $7.
My Guitar-Effect Inventions. Electronic devices that I invented in the 1960s to create guitar effects.
Nobody Likes A Smartass. A few of my past technology predictions.
Punch List. Excel spreadsheet download. This is a sample punch list for inspecting a new apartment. I hope you find it useful and can quickly tailor it to your situation (new house, apartment renovation, etc). If you found this entry via Google I'm sure you noticed how hard it is to find a sample punch list without signing up for some unwanted service or publication, or paying a ridiculous amount for a piece of software. (Until I posted this punch list here it was easier to find instructions for making weapons of mass destruction than a list like this.)
Safe Sex. (Self explanatory.)
Sounds From The Past. A short selection of audio clips.
The Fourth Gospel. See what the Fourth Gospel looked like before it was redacted by a bunch of misogynists.
Tubulosity. Huh?
Which Side Of The Road? This page gives some historical background on the side-of-the-road information given in Country Information (above).
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Any questions? My email address is: malcolmhamer@hotmail.com
To read some interesting papers that I've written, please see My Postings on Academia.edu